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To the Attention of Minister Laforest,
Rent prices are exploding and tenants aren’t able to tighten their belts any further : the average rent of a 4 ½ for rent in Quebec is now roughly $1032 a month. For a family, the expense increases to an average rent of $1300 for an apartment of three bedrooms or more. Facing such intimidating rent prices, tenants like me have no other choice than to cut out other essentials in our lives to keep a roof over our heads. Oftentimes, we must live in an apartment that is too small or in unhealthy conditions because we simply cannot afford better.
We urgently demand that you implement mandatory rent control so that we can live in decent conditions without losing our entire income to rent. We are not vulnerable against abusive rent increases, and we all know friends, colleagues or family members that don’t know that it is possible to refuse a rent increase and remain in their apartment. Others still don’t dare refuse their rent increase as they fear retaliation from their landlord. Many more have just signed a lease and don’t know how much the previous tenant was paying.
As a diverse community made up of the elderly, single mothers, racialized people, immigrants, people who are on welfare or who are unemployed, we cannot weather these skyrocketing rent prices. The burden of responsability is currently entirely on our shoulders to refuse rent increases and it is injust! We therefore ask you today to alleviate this burden and to impose mandatory and universal rent control to all residential properties. Moreover, we demand that a rent registry be created and made public to counter abusive rent increases between tenants.
A tenant that won’t be able to afford another rent increase.